Friday 14 October 2011

Keep Me Alive By Natasha Cooper

Keep Me Alive
By Natasha Cooper
Why did investigative journalist Jamie Maxden die? The coroner says it was suicide. The case is closed. Only one man fights to re-open it. Will Applewood is sure Jamie was about to expose a scandal that would shame the British food industry. But Will is notorious for his conspiracy theories. No one listens to him. In despair he turns to his barrister, Trish Maguire. Will's campaign takes Trish deep into the countryside, revealing a world that seems quite different from the metropolitan life she knows. But human nature doesn't change - whatever the environment. Cruelty and intimidation can flourish in the ravishing landscape just as they do in the grimmest of inner-city housing estates. Moving between the two, trying to save lives and sanity, inexhaustable Trish is driven into a crusade - both personal and professional - that combines excitement, drama and agonising human tragedy.
Published Date: 06/06/2005
Format: PaperBack
ISBN: 9780743449878
Publisher: Pocket
Rating: price 4$


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