Thursday 13 October 2011

Rumis Daughter By Muriel Maufroy

Rumis Daughter
By Muriel Maufroy
Rumi's Daughter is the delightful novel about Kimya, the girl who was sent from her rural village to live in Rumi's home. She already had mystical tendencies, and learned a great deal under Rumi's tutelage. Eventually she married Shams, a strange man who was an unusual husband, almost totally absorbed by his longings for God. Their marriage was fiery and different and, in the end, dissolved by Kimya's death - after which Shams vanished.
Rumi's Daughter tells Kimya's story with great charm and tenderness. Well written and thought-provoking, it is sure to draw comparison with Paolho Coelho's The Alchemist, and also to add something fresh and new to what is so far known about Rumi.
Published Date: 04/08/2005
Format: PaperBack
ISBN: 9781844135837
Publisher: Rider Books
No of Pages: 238
Rating: price 14 $


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